
扶轮基金会有一个捐献计划来协助您捐献. 有关慈善捐赠的税务优惠的资料, 联系你的财务顾问或切尔西·汤普森, Box Butte健康基金会主任, at 308.761.3079. 贵方询盘将保密.



Box Butte健康基金会 has established an endowment fund through the Nebraska Community Foundation to ensure quality healthcare for generations to come. 捐赠基金就像社区储蓄账户. 每年 a portion of the endowment earnings provides a reliable source of annual income for Box Butte总医院, 超过了病人产生的收入. 捐赠的本金永远不会被使用,所以你的礼物将永远存在!


简的衣橱 is an outreach program that provides financial assistance and other services to cancer patients and their families. 资金可用于汽油、交通和膳食等费用. 你可以联系简氏衣橱的代表——洛里·马赞内克308.761.3428或玛丽·古德尔308.761.3423,他们都很乐意帮助你.


每年, Box Butte健康基金会奖励5美元,向服务区内从事健康职业教育的青少年提供500个奖学金. Recipients must maintain satisfactory academic status and work or volunteer 16 hours at Box Butte总医院 during the academic year. The mission of this program is to “grow our own” workforce by investing in our youth’s education and encouraging future employment at Box Butte总医院. 在以前的奖学金获得者中,25%在BBGH工作. 


“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”

The Pay it Forward program generates donations from employees to fund projects that promote a healthier environment for our employees and patrons. 公司鼓励员工至少捐出1美元.每年26美元,每天10美分.


The Agricultural Commodities program encourages area farmers and ranchers to save significant tax savings by contributing commodities such as corn or cattle to the Box Butte健康基金会 instead of making a cash contribution after selling commodities. 当农业生产者将商品的合法所有权转让给Box Butte健康基金会时, the producer does not realize taxable income from the sale but is still able to deduct the entire cost of the production of the commodity.


自2018年起,每年举办一次, 它的委员会, 志愿者们举办了一场高尔夫精英赛,为博克斯巴特健康基金会筹集资金. 点击这里 查看过去几年的照片!